Author : LeonJones


The MIT License The MIT License is sometimes called the X license, the MIT/X license, or (gasp!) the X Window System license. Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without […]

Devices Body

anx_oss(0.6.2 – released Oct 18 2003) -Acts as the nexus for audio playback and recording The audio nexus device handles the local audio playback and recording capabilities of a digital audio soundcard. Version 0.6.2 of the anx_oss device operates with the Open Sound System on Linux and other platforms. Released under theMIT license. Distributed with […]

Downloads Source Tarball CVS Binaries

The quickest way to get the MAS source is to use CVS. After downloading, refer to the README and INSTALL files for help. Update (June 14, 2004) Version 0.6.3 is out. This is a bug fix release: rare but critical bug in assembler fixed (missing break statement caused some newly connected devices to disconnect immediately) […]


MAS Core     Developer Tools     MAS Control Applications     MAS Accessibility-Enabled Application Demo     XMMS Output Plugin for MAS MAS Core maswavplay maswavplay is a simple, text-based, wave audio file playback application. For developers learning the MAS client-side API, this application’s source code is a great first step. masbench masbench benchmarks your system’s high-resolution sleep function, constructing the table of realworld data […]

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